Jo Yeo-jeong Proud of ‘The Emperor’s Concubine’


Upon viewing Jo Yeo-jeong's latest performance at the movie premiere of 'The Emperor's Concubine', Jo Yeo-jeong's mother cried, shedding tears of joy. Overwhelmed by her daughter's hard work and filled with pride, she couldn't hide her emotions. "My mom gave me a hug, telling me that I had done a great job," Jo commented. "I am extremely thankful that she loved my work as a big screen actress."

The period film 'The Emperor's Concubine' is set in the Chosun Dynasty. Directed by Kim Dae-sung, the erotic melodrama explores themes of passion and forbidden love. Jo Yeo-jeong plays Haw-yeon, the concubine of the king, who is trapped in a complicated triangular relationship between the emperor (Kim Dong-wook) and a man (Kim Min-joon) she used to date.

The film sold over 1 million tickets within 6 days of release.

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