"My Palpitating Life" is a movie directed by popular filmmaker Lee Jae Yong. Actress Song Hye Kyo and actor Kang Dong Won star as a married couple with a child with progeria, and tell the story of parents who had their first child at the ages of seventeen, and their seventeen year old son who is preparing to say good bye to the world. Actress Song Hye Kyo in a recent interview shared her thoughts on playing the role of a mother for the first time in her life, and other subjects. She said on comparing her role in 'My Palpitating Life' to that in 'Autumn in my Heart,' "When I was playing Autumn in my Heart, I think that was when I felt the most comfortable, and most natural, almost in a tabula rasa mind, acting on a white paper without much thoughts. There are a lot of scenes where I didn't play well, but my acting back then was very clean and innocent. I don't think I would be able to act the same way now. I want to go back the time and feel those feelings again. Even nowadays when fall comes, I remember feelings of that time when I was filming Autumn in my Heart. It's incredibly mysterious. I miss it." In related news, the recently released movie 'My Palpitating Life' tells a story of a young couple who gives birth to a child with congenital progeria. In this film, which is based on a novel of the same name written by Kim Ae Ran, tells a story of the young couple, portrayed by actress Song Hye Kyo and actor Kang Dong Won. The book of the same name by writer Kim Ae Ran was sold 1.4 million copies in the first three months of its publication.
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