The upcoming film "Gukje Market," starring actor Hwang Jung Min, has more than two weeks left until it premieres. However, a lot of fans are giving the film five stars, some of who have not even watched the film. The filmmaker Yoon Jae Kyoon said in an interview that this film was made "to thank the generations in the 1950s through the 1980s who sacrificed their lives for their families." In related news, the upcoming film "Gukje Market" tells a story of a man named Duk Soo, played by actor Hwang Jung Min. Duk Soo moves to the southern part of Korea, Busan, to avoid the Korean war. In the process, he and his family get separated from the father, and he has to support his family as the oldest man in the family in the difficult times after the Korean War. He ends up going to Germany to work as a miner, and meets his first love Young Ja, played by actress Kim Yoon Jin, there. The film is going to premiere on December 17, 2014.
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