‘Marvel Vs. DC’ Trailer [VIDEO]: Fan-made Mashup Movie Features An Epic Superheroes Faceoff! YouTube Video Receives 100,000 Views After 24 Hours Of Upload!

DC Comics
Marvel Comics
Captain America
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman

Fans got thrilled when they saw the "Mavel vs. DC" trailer that went viral online. It may only be a fan-made mashup movie, but seeing your favorite superheroes in one film is simply awesome! Have you ever wondered what will happen if Marvel and DC had a faceoff? The outcome is epic and it actually looked real.

The fan-made trailer was uploaded by YouTube user named Alex Luthor. He most probably got his name from the son of Superman's archenemy Alexander Luthor and former girlfriend Lois Lane-Luthor. The presenter of the movie made it clear that the new fan-made trailer is a non-profit video and was made only for fun. He is just one of the avid Marvel and DC fans who dreamt of seeing his favorite superheroes clash. What's different is that he did something to make that dream come true.

The "Marvel vs. DC" trailer already received approximately 100,000 views after 24 hours of upload on YouTube. After two days, it now has more than 2 millions views and fans even posted their reaction to the epic face off. Some of the highlights of the video include the battle between Superman and Thor, Wonder Woman and Hulk, Green Lantern and Captain America, and Batman and Spider-Man.

Back in 1996, a limited series of the crossover comic book was published by Marvel Comics and DC Comics. The DC vs. Marvel Comics series was written by Peter David and Ron Marz; and it featured duels of the superheroes. Five outcomes were determined by fan votes: Batman vs. Captain America, Spider-Man vs. Superboy, Wolverine vs. Lobo, Storm vs. Wonder Woman, Superman vs. Hulk.

That isn't what we entirely saw in the fan-made "Marvel vs. DC" trailer, but that's good enough to give us an idea of how it would appear if the superheroes collide in one film. Check out the video below:

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