Vanessa Lachey Baby: Nick And Vanessa Lachey's New Baby Girl, Brooklyn Elisabeth, Was Born, January 5!


Vanessa Lachey's new baby girl was born into this world! ABC News reported that Nick and Vanessa Lachey welcomed a new addition to their family on January 5, 2015, as Brooklyn Elisabeth was born to the proud parents.

Brooklyn Elisabeth Lachey was born in Los Angeles at 5:17 p.m. that day to her proud celebrity parents. She is the little sister of 2-year old, Camden John Lachey, Nick and Vanessa's son.

Vanessa Lachey's baby girl was 7 lbs., 15 oz., and 21 inches long, when she was born. The proud mom posted this message on her official website:

"I have been dreaming of this moment for as long as I can remember, the day I was going to meet my little girl. A friend recently told me how magical today was going to be because it's the day I would meet my best friend,"

"I can't even begin to tell you how it felt to hold her in my arms for the very first time. Mommy, Daddy and big brother Cam love you so much already, Brooklyn!"

Back in November, Nick dished in an interview with ABC News the Vanessa Lachey's baby preparation for the whole family, including son, Camden:

"I don't know that he's fully realized what's going on but he definitely knows his baby sister's in mommy's belly, and he says 'good night' and 'I love you' to her,"

"It's when she's here and stealing all his thunder and attention that it's really going to set in, but it'll be exciting!"

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