Pope Francis Honors Christians Persecuted By ISIS And Prays For Germanwings Victim On Easter Week Celebration

Pope Francis

Pope Francis on Palm Sunday honors the people killed for their faith, a victim of Islamic State militants as well as the people perished in the Germanwings.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Pope Francis in his homily during the Mass he pays tribute to the victims of ISIS. Pope Francis last month denounced the killing of 21 Egyptians Coptic Christians by Islamic State militants in Libya.

"We think too of the humiliation endured by all those who, for their lives of fidelity to the Gospel, encounter discrimination and pay a personal price," said Pope Francis. "We think too of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted because they are martyrs of our time, they refuse to deny Jesus and they endure insult and injury with dignity."

The Holy Father added that the international community would be justified in using the military force to stop the "unjust aggression."

Furthermore, during the Palm Sunday Pope Francis also prays the lives of the people who perished in the Germanwings Flight 9525 crash on Tuesday, cite International Business Times

The Holy Father discussed the importance of humility and remembers the 150 people perished on the said flights. Among the victims of the flight were a group of German schoolchildren and three Americans, which includes a mother and daughter.

The investigators reported that the flight's co-pilot Andreas Lubitz a native of Montabaur, Germany has locked the pilot out of the cockpit and intentionally changed the plane's route so it would crash into a mountainside.

Based on the first black box, according to the voice recorder the flight commander attempted to break down the cockpit door to regain control of the plane.

Meanwhile, the 78-year-old Argentine pope spearheaded the mass dressed in red vestments, along with more than 70,000 of people with palm frond and branches in St. Peter's Square on the day that marks the start of Holy Week and ends on Easter Sunday.

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