'Finding Carter' Season 2, Episode 5 Spoilers & Synopsis: 'Wake Up Call' (S02E05) Sees Taylor Learning The Truth About David's Past [VIDEO]


Next Tuesday, prepare for yet another all-new episode of "Finding Carter" on MTV! In "Wake Up Call," Episode 5 of Season 2, Taylor will finally learn the truth about David's past. But what will she discover? Catch up on the latest "Finding Carter" spoilers below, including the full "Wake Up Call" (S02E05) synopsis!

Before we cover next week's episode, here's a quick recap of what happened tonight on "Finding Carter."

As we previously reported, according to TV Guide's synopsis, in "Pretty When You Cry" (S02E04), "A stranger from Carter's past provides new insights on Lori."

Plus, "Joan interferes with Grant," explained TV Guide.

"It's not over, until she says it's over," teases the narrator in the "Pretty When You Cry" (S02E04) promo video.

What's next on "Finding Carter" Season 2? Warning: Episode 5 spoilers ahead!

Prepare for an intense episode, "Finding Carter" fans!

In "Wake Up Call" (S02E05), "Carter is in danger of flunking out of school," suggests the official TV Guide synopsis.

In addition, "Taylor discovers the truth of David's past," writes TV Guide.

Not to mention, we watch as "Tensions rise at the town fair," continues the synopsis.

Finally, "Max's new job poses a threat," concludes the "Finding Carter" synopsis.

Although the latest promo video has yet to be release, check out this "Finding Carter" Season 2 preview video that summarizes more of this season's upcoming events:

Ready for next week's episode of "Finding Carter" yet? Will Carter turn things around at school? What do you think Taylor will discover about David's past? Sound off with your predictions about the new synopsis and spoilers in the comments section below.

"Wake Up Call," Episode 5 of "Finding Carter" Season 2, airs Tuesday, April 28 at 10:00 p.m. EST on MTV.

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