'Penny Dreadful' Season 2, Episode 4 Spoilers, Synopsis & Promo Preview: "Evil Spirits In Heavenly Places" (S02E04) Sees Vanessa Refuting She's Being Hunted [VIDEO]

Penny dreadful
Sneak Peek

This Sunday, "Penny Dreadful" is back with Episode 4 of Season 2 on Showtime. "Evil Spirits In Heavenly Places" (S02E04), airing May 24 at 10:00 p.m. EST, is expected to be full of drama, suspense, and creepy intrigue. Care for some spoilers? Check out the "Evil Spirits In Heavenly Places" (S02E04) synopsis, promo preview video and more "Penny Dreadful" Season 2 spoilers below!

What should we expect on this week's all new episode of "Penny Dreadful" Season 2? Warning: major Episode 4 spoilers ahead!

According to the official TV Guide synopsis for "Evil Spirits In Heavenly Places" (S02E04), "Lyle reveals that the Verbis Diablo relics tell a very dark and disturbing story that affects Vanessa."

Later, "Rusk interviews the survivor of the attack at the Mariner's Inn," continues the synopsis.

Plus, we'll watch as "Hecate tries to get closer to Ethan" in Episode 4. Not to mention, "Angelique and Dorian's romance grows," adds the TV Guide synopsis.

"Back at Sir Malcolm's mansion, Vanessa, Ethan, Sir Malcolm, Sembene and Lyle carry on their evening as something evil lurks within, ready to strike," concludes the spoiler-teasing synopsis.

Are you ready for the next episode of "Penny Dreadful" yet?

Watch the awesome new promo preview video for Episode 4 (S02E04), called "Evil Spirits In Heavenly Places," to see what you can look forward to! Warning: more major spoilers coming your way...

As Showtime explains in the promo video's description, "The history of witches are debated, Vanessa refutes she is being hunted, Ethan meets a stranger."

That's not all - the network has also released two additional sneak-peek previews! Check out the videos below:

In the first sneak-peek, "Vanessa fears that they are fighting against evil spirits in heavenly places," summarizes Showtime.

In the second clip, "Vanessa helps Dr. Frankenstein pick out a dress for his visiting cousin."

Excited yet? We sure are!

What do you think of the latest Episode 4 synopsis, spoilers and promo preview video? What else will we see on Episode 4 of the hit series' second season? Sound off about your thoughts and predictions for this week's show in the comments section below!

"Evil Spirits In Heavenly Places," Episode 4 of "Penny Dreadful" Season 2, will air Sunday, May 24 at 10:00 p.m. EST on Showtime.

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