Fall Out Boy Pete Wentz Writes Father's Day Letter For His Children; Son Thinks Iron Man Is 'Cooler' Than FOB?


"Fall Out Boy" bassist Pete Wentz wrote a heartwarming message to his two children in celebration of Father's Day. The singer spoke to his two sons, Bronx and Saint, about making the right decisions and staying true to themselves.

Pete Wentz is only one of the celebrities who took part of Time's Father's Day project. In the open letter to his kids, he told them about how being a father has changed his life for the better.

"You have both changed me and taught me so much in ways the version of me that existed before you would never be able to understand," he wrote.

"Boys: always take the high road, even when the low road seems easier or simpler. Let your kindness radiate and defend those who cannot defend themselves."

"Be yourself when it is not popular to be. Love your friends not in spite of their flaws but because of them."

"Bronx, I remember once asking you what your favorite color was and you said, 'Red, black and the color of lightning.' Never let the world take away your creativity and divergent thinking."

"Be the color of lighting, be wild, and always laugh a lot. Never forget who you are."

In a recent interview with Bangor Daily News, Pete Wentz shared what it was like now that almost everyone from Fall Out Boy has settled down. The bassist said that it was difficult at first but in the end their families have adjusted to their lifestyle.

"Our family knows the lifestyle we live. We're sand people. We're nomads. But we make it work," he said.

"My 9-month-old doesn't get it, obviously, but my 6-year-old, he understands. He thinks it's funny when people take pictures with me. If I was Iron Man, I think it would be cooler for him."

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