'Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare' Xbox One and PS4 Players Get Next Wave Of Weapon Updates! Why Didn't The Consoles Get The Additional Weapon Content?

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Looks like a bad news for Xbox 360 and PS3 "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" players as Sledgehammer Games announced that the next set of weapons updates will be for Xbox One and PS4 players only.

Considering that "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" PS3 and Xbox 360 players have reached their limit, developer of the hit first-person shooter, Sledgehammer Games have confirmed that the next wave of weapons updates will be for PS4 and Xbox One only.

Sledgehammer Games informed Advanced Warfare fans that the newly planned variants would not be deployed on the old-gen consoles citing their memory limit.

The first set of Royal Elite Variants hit "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" on PS4 and PC last week, but they did not come to last-gen consoles. Sledgehammer Games Co-Founder Michael Condrey explained in one of the "fireside chats" on the official Call of Duty website why the new weapon variant did not make it to last-gen systems.

According to records on PlayStationLifestyle, Condrey in his blogspot explained that the development team has "hit a hard memory limit" as far as the last-gen consoles are concerned. Condrey said that the limit "prevents us from adding more weapons to those platforms."

Condrey further noted that the limitation is out of their control and they "simply can't deliver new content at the rate we're producing it for next generation devices." It won't however, "affect the DLC Season."

Later this week, the second set of Royalty Elite Weapon Variant are being deployed and has an identical purple and gun-metal camouflage that is a spitting image of the Grand Master Prestige gear, Express noted.

This is will further feature different stat changes from the first set and will aid from an increased reload speed contrast to their Elite counterparts.

The new set have been developed keeping weapon balancing in mind, and also wanting to provide a slight edge to fans who get them.

Royalty Variants v2 will be available in Supply Drops as well as Advanced Supply Drops on Xbox One. Players who complete matching gear sets in "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" will be eligible for an in-game XP Bonus.

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