Comedy show writer Yoo Byung Jae, who participated and lost the MBC entertainment program 'Infinite Challenge' Sixth Man competition, which was a month long competition to find the new member of the MBC entertainment program 'Infinite Challenge,' said on another TV show that he doesn't watch 'Infinite Challenge' after he lost the competition.
Yoo Byung Jae showed up on a TV show 'Happy Together' and said the he is still sore about not making as the new member of the MBC entertainment program 'Infinite Challenge' and that he does not watch the show anymore. Singer Kwang Hee became the new member of the MBC entertainment program 'Infinite Challenge' through the competition. In related news, on the most recent episode of the popular MBC entertainment program 'Infinite Challenge,' the Infinite Challenge members solved common sense quiz questions about the different continents, many of which they were planned to visit and deliver food for the Infinite Challenge fans living outside of Korea. The MBC entertainment program 'Infinite Challenge' is one of the popular, long lasting entertainment programs in Korea. It features the Infinite Challenge members Ha Ha, Park Myung Soo, Yoo Jae Suk, Jung Joon Ha, and Jung Hyung Don.