'Star Wars Battlefront Beta PS4 Hosts More Players Than Xbox One, PCs; Overtakes 'Fallout 4,' 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3'


Since the release of the "Star Wars Battlefront Beta" on PCs, PS4 and Xbox One, statistics show that more
players are active on PS4 than the other two platforms. Meanwhile, Electronics Arts said that the game is
the biggest release of a "Star Wars" game in the company's history.

P-Stats network's analysis of DICE's licensed scifi shooter revealed a number of current online users and thenumber of users during a 24-hr timeframe. Here are recent figures that show PS4 is dominating the game:

PC: 45,433 (24h peak: 49,871)
Xbox One: 85,608 (24h peak: 110,817)
PS4: 178,374 (24h peak: 187,286)
(Source: Gamestop)

The results may be indicative of PS4's collaboration with "Star Wars: Battlefront" working out. It could also be
a broad gap between installed bad bases between Xbox One and PS4.

Players can anticipate lots of new content, since one of the complaints by consumers was about inadequate content, said EA Studios executive Patrick Soderlund. Along with the Battlefront's free 50 % DLC pass, there will also be updates.

"We will be adding more of what you love about the game, like new maps and Star Cards, for free in the coming
months, in addition to all of the content we have coming with Season Pass," Soderlund added in a report by Gamestop . "We'll have more to share soon."

In the beta testing phasing, "Star Wars Battlefront" unveiled on November 17 and attracted 9 million users.

Last week, Chart Track reported "Star Wars Battlefront" is the fastest selling game (without a sequel) on PS4 in the UK,
among the top ten titles in top ten UK list.

"Star Wars Battlefront" has overtaken popular games like
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3,"FIFA 16 and"Fallout 4," to take the top spot.

Here’s a glimpse of the video:

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