In March of 2019, Choi Jong Hoon was disclosed to be a part of a group chat where sexually uncensored videos of some women were shared and that these were reportedly filmed without their consent or knowledge. Lee Jong Hyun and Jung Joon-young were also involved in this controversy.
It was also reported that he had bribed the authorities to prevent the media from reporting his drunk-driving incident in 2016. Afterwards, Choi Jong Hoon's agency declared that he will be departing from his group F.T. Island and bid farewell from the entertainment industry.
Then, in April of 2019, Choi Jong Hoon was reported to have offered the amount of 2 million won (approximately $1,778) to the officer on the scene at the time to cover up the 2016 scandal. The celebrity also confessed to spreading the pictures taken without the subject's consent and also possessing illegal footage. He was charged for sharing illegally documented footage and for sharing videos and images from other sources.
With regards to Choi Jong Hoon's alleged bribery, prosecutors are suggesting a prison sentence upon conviction. The prosecution recommended a sentence of one year and six months for the crime of bribery at the trial of Choi Jong Hoon that took place this March 18, 2020. The actor-singer would face additional charges of being a registered sex offender and is required to finish a reformation program. Also, he would be banned from working in institutes that are related to children or for five years.
Choi Jong Hoon's lawyer responded to the recommendation, stating that the actor denies allegations of bribery but has admitted his guilt to the other remaining charges. The allegations are false and they intend to dispute the bribery charges. The lawyer of the accused also added to please consider that the amount of money was actually very small and that there was no recognition of bribery (at the time), even if there was a crime. His lawyer admitted that Choi Jong Hoon was guilty of the sharing of illegally-filmed footage and pleaded to the court to consider the fact that he did not show the victims' faces in the footage.
Lastly, Choi Jong Hoon expressed his remorse and stated that he deeply regrets his foolish acts and behavior and he is willing to accept his punishment for what he had done. And given the chance to return to the society, he will help his community not as a celebrity but as an ordinary man.
Choi Jong Hoon's sentence for the charges of attempted bribery and spreading illegally-taken footage will be announced on March 27.