Casual Comment From Ip Man Foreshadowed Bruce Lee's Untimely Death


Bruce Lee is a legendary figure in martial arts history and a pioneer in the worldwide popularity of Chinese martial arts. He was just 32, and the news of his untimely death rocked fans and the entertainment industry alike.

Bruce Lee
Madame Tussauds New York welcomes Bruce Lee's wax figure for a limited time at Madame Tussauds on August 13, 2014 in New York City. Craig Barritt/Getty Images for Madame Tussauds

New reports as per KbiZoom have emerged over the past few days showing Lee's formative years studying with martial arts superstar Ip Man —a foreshadowing of unsettling things to come, according to his master.

Bruce Lee started his career early as a child actor, and he appeared in Golden Gate Girl when he was three months old.

But his heart was always in the martial arts. After attending many schools and performing poorly in most of them, Lee became interested in martial arts and took classes in Tai Chi and Wing Chun.

Lee was reunited with William Cheung, an old friend from his childhood who was studying with Ip Man at the time.

Lee had seen the progress Cheung was making, and so wanted to train not just with any instructor but with Ip Man, whose strict training regimen would set the foundation for the future.

In his training sessions, Ip Man observed that Lee walked peculiarly: his heels hardly ever hit the ground.

Ip Man joked about it, saying, "You walk without your heels touching the ground—this is a sign of a short life!"

While Lee dismissed this remark as the sort of playful jab that had become their norm, it would acquire a more sinister resonance.

Lee's relentless pursuit of martial arts and film perfection took a toll on his body. Years of ruthless training and overwork also damaged his health, despite his god—like skillfulness.

Rumor has it that he was taking up to 100 pills a day to keep going when he filmed his last film, Game of Death.

On July 20, 1973, Bruce Lee was at the home of actress Betty Ting Pei when he fell ill. Ting Pei told reporters that after taking his medication, he went inside and lay down to rest and had not responded to her when she checked on him.

He was taken to the hospital, but unfortunately, it was too late. Lee passed away, but his legacy lives on among the warrior class around the world.

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