‘Running Man’ Viewing Rate Ranks Lowest


National viewing rate of the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man" ranked lowest among the entertainment programs that air on Sunday evenings. The SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man" ranked lowest out of the three most popular Sunday night entertainment programs with the national viewing rate of 7.2%. This was an increase from the national viewing rate of the last weekend's episode. However, the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man" ranked the lowest national viewing rate this weekend. In related news, on the most recent episode of the SBS entertainment program "I like Sundays - Running Man," which aired on August 17, 2014, the Running Man members Song Ji Hyo, Gary, Kim Jong Gook, Ji Suk Jin and Lee Kwang Soo, played games with the 90s idol group stars, such as H. O. T. and Sechs Kies.

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