Ray Rice Video Inspires Makeup Tutorial


Footage of former Ravens running back Ray Rice punching his ex-fiancée in the face surfaced recently, causing an uproar and bringing further attention to domestic violence.

Comedian Megan MacKay took to YouTube to share a "Ray Rice Inspired Makeup Tutorial," which brilliantly addresses the Ray Rice video as well as the important issue at hand.

Watch the video below:

The recent Ray Rice video is reportedly turning female football fans away from the sport as well, according to the media outlet News4Jax.

A University of North Florida survey had found that 25 percent of female football fans said they were discouraged from attending NFL games because of the way the NFL has handled Ray Rice's case as well as other domestic violence issues that have surfaced.

Rice is reportedly one of four NFL players facing domestic violence allegations this football season. Most recently, Arizona Cardinals running back Jonathon Dwyer was reportedly accused of beating his girlfriend and a child.

The survey, which was conducted by Dr. Kristi Sweeney and Dr. Elizabeth Gregg, has shown that twice as many women than men believe that Rice should never play in the NFL again, according to the website.

Of the 250 respondents to the university's online survey, the majority of fans reportedly strongly agreed that the NFL has a domestic violence problem and that the league should focus on the fact that they're losing its female fan base.

"These findings imply the current state of the league has potential to negatively influence female customers. If this is true and the NFL wants to protect and grow its female fan base, they should strongly consider its perspective on the league's domestic violence problem," Sweeney, an assistant professor at UNF's Department of Leadership, School Counseling and Sports Management, stated.

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