When you’re in love, even all the wrong jokes seem funny.
That wasn’t the case for a 26-year-old bride in China who showed up for a wedding photo shoot in her white dress and some stage makeup so she can look 50 years old, according to Yahoo Odd News.
What was meant to be a funny wedding joke reportedly led to the groom leaving his bride before even going to the altar. The couple, Qing Kao and Guo Chien, reportedly got into a very public argument in Shenzhen City, as the bride was left at the photo shoot without her angry groom.
“I thought he would laugh and see it as a joke, but he was furious and told me there was no way he would have photographs of me looking like that. He then got a in a taxi and left,” the bride told local media.
The wedding joke that led to the groom leaving his young bride has caused quite a bit of buzz on Twitter already.
“Shame on the groom is this is legit,” wrote Twitter user David Welch.
Fellow social media user Nicole Augenti, Esq. commented, “Better to learn he’s a douche now.”
There is reportedly speculation that the entire fight may have been a staged marketing stunt, but it isn’t clear if these rumors are true or false.