Disney's animated film "Big Hero 6" captivated theatergoers with its innovative storyline. "Big Hero 6" chronicles the adventures of Baymax, a personal companion robot, who develops an endearing bond with a young boy who is interested in mechanical engineering and robotics. The movie is set in the fictitious landscape of San Fransokyo, a city which is representative of San Francisco and Tokyo.
The film features voice acting from stars including Daniel Henney and Jamie Chung.
Daniel Henney provides the voice for Tadashi, the big brother of robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada. K-Drama audiences will recognize Henney's voice from "My Lovely Sam Soon" and "The Fugutive: Plan B."
Korean-American actress Jamie Chung lends her voice to the character Go Go Tomago.
"Big Hero 6" is currently available on Digital HD And the Disney Movies Anywhere (DMA) format.
The Blu-Ray release of "Big Hero 6" will include special features such as The Origin Story of "Big Hero 6" which is narrated by Jamie Chung. The film will be released on Blu-Ray on February 24.
KDramastars is offering a chance to win a "Big Hero 6" prize pack.
Here is how you can enter the giveaway:
1. Like our Facebook page at
2. Show us how you're a big fan by sharing your love for Big Hero 6 in the comment section for the following Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/KDramaStars/photos/a.152550338218780.34077.152510154889465/522864961187314/?type=1 It could be a piece of fan art, a video, your Big Hero 6 merch etc.
3. Fill out this form completely with the information needed after you post in the comment section.
All entries should only have one submission. The top 3 posts with the most likes will win. You must respond within 24 hours to claim the prize.
The contest ends Sunday March 8 at midnight EST . Good Luck!