Microsoft Windows 10 Automatic Updates For NVidia Drivers Spark Outcry!


Home users of Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 10, will not be able to pick when updates are installed thus making the process completely automated, but this is causing headaches for many.

Though this may seem to make things easier for users as they can now leave their worry about latest patches installed or a not update machine causing problems behind, a report from Forbes hint a possible issue.

With the launch nearing, Windows 10 policy regarding automatic updates has already encountered its first major issue that's causing several PCs to stop working properly.

Several Irate owners took to NVidia's forums to report a flaw. Windows Update is reportedly installing new drivers automatically and these drivers further breaks multi-monitor setups, SLI (dual card) configurations. But that's not all, these drivers can even completely stop PCs booting which eventually pushes Windows 10 into its emergency recovery mode.

One of Nvidia forum posters, slycoder urged the tech giant to "pull these Windows update."

Slycoder notes that it makes the second monitor of his/her monitor flicker and not work. When rolled back, the poster says, "Windows Update reinstalls them."

Another multi-screen user, ZabaZu agrees seems to be of the same mind noting that the driver is "flat out broken" as far as multi-screen users are concerned.

According to Forbes contributor Paul Monckton, who experienced a similar problem, explained that the flaw is a result of a conflict between NVidia's own driver and Nvidia GeForce Experience (software management tool) and Windows Update.

Monckton noted that the driver version 353.54 is only accessible through Windows Update. The problem has its seat in the fact that the Nvidia GeForce Experience tries to downgrade the driver version 353.54 to the previous version claiming that the previous version is in fact newer.

The actual problem seems to be that Windows Update doesn't disclose the driver version number before installation, thus making it harder to find out where exactly the issue is coming from.

Another report from WinBeta claims that devices such as Lenovo that comes with bundled software capable of managing driver updates will definitely have more conflicts.

That said, hardware companies along with the tech titan Microsoft will need to take steps to address the issue as soon as possible as failure or delay in handling this problem may lead other users to echo in other communities the concerns expressed on the NVidia forums.

Citing the outcry from Windows 10 testers, it looks like the tech giant may have a solution at hand in the form of a tool that lets users to hide or even block any updates from Windows or even a hardware driver. The tool is available as an unforced download, per ZDNet.

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