Netflix's original travel reality series, "Twogether," starring heartthrobs Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu, is a one-of-a-kind reality program wherein they have to gather clues to know their fans' locations.
If you watched the series, they you've seen the two celebrities try their best to accomplish each task so that they may be able to uncover the clues of each of their fan's addresses. What makes it fun is seeing them try to converse with the locals, not to mention that viewers get to see a little bit of the culture in every country, how they approach tourists, and their local food.
Of course, Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu wouldn't want to miss the picturesque tourist spots each country offers!
While both the actors are not fluent in English, they nonetheless try their very best to communicate with the people. They also try to learn each other's native language.
Indonesia was the first country that the duo visited. They went to the caves of Yogyakarta to gather clues, so they experienced tubing. They went to Prambanan Temple the next day, where they got some sort of a surprise pop quiz to get clues. They also played badminton with the locals and had to win to get the last clue about their fan's location.
They had to hurry to meet Jasper's fan to be on time to catch their flight for their next destination: Bali. The meeting was short, but surely memorable.
In Bali, Jasper had to do fish-harpooning, while Lee Seung Gi was tasked to do paragliding and have to guess the picture drawn by Jasper to get the next clue. They ended the night with a not-so-relaxing couple yoga class.
Next stop, they checked out the busy nightlife in Bangkok, Thailand. There, their skill in axe-throwing was tested. The next day, they went to Damnoe Saduak floating market before heading Chiang Mai to compete against each other through a water bicycle race to meet a particular fan. The two formed their respective teams in Chiang Mai University to play against each other through the traditional sport sepak takraw.
After a week of not seeing each other, the duo is now off to Nepal to meet another, but bad weather welcomed them. Their last trip is Seoul and boarded a Han River water taxi to meet a fan.
Their adventures were hilarious and entertaining, and this is why Lee Seung Gi is very excited about a possible second season!
The actor said, "I would like for the discussions to happen soon, but due to the unfortunate situation all over the world, it's not easy to travel. I would really like to do season 2, but I think it's difficult to say anything concrete officially. When the situation gets better, I would like to travel together and make new memories as soon as possible."
He continued that doing a season in Korea would be awesome. It has definitely come up, but if he and Jasper Liu end up visiting each other's homeland, then that might mark the end of it all.
"Twogether" is available on Netflix.