'Dragon Ball Z: Battle Of Z' Cheats And Guides: Unlock All Characters And Stages Easily! All Mission Unlocks Detailed And More!


Having a hard time unlocking stuff in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z? Here's some Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z cheats to make the game more fun and easier for you!

Battle mode

Successfully complete Mission 4 to unlock Battle mode. Successfully complete Mission 5 to unlock Plains (Dusk) in Battle mode. Successfully complete Mission 6 to unlock the Mountains (Dusk) in Battle mode.

Co-Op mode

Successfully complete Mission 4 to unlock Co-Op mode.

Big Gete Star stage

Successfully complete Mission 48 with an "A" rank or better to unlock the Big Gete Star stage.

Bonus characters

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

Android #16: Successfully complete Mission 25 with an "S" rank.

Android #17: Successfully complete Mission 29 with an "A" rank or better.

Android #18: Successfully complete Mission 23 with an "A" rank or better.

Android #19: Successfully complete Mission 22 with an "A" rank or better.

Bardock: Successfully complete Mission 44 with an "A" rank or better.

Burter: Successfully complete Mission 13 with an "A" rank or better.

Cell (1st Form): Successfully complete Mission 24 with an "A" rank or better.

Cell (2nd Form, Super Trunks): Successfully complete Mission 30 with an "S" rank or better.

Cell Jr: Successfully complete Mission 58 with an "A" rank or better.

Cell (Perfect Form): Successfully complete Mission 26 with an "S" rank.

Cooler: Successfully complete Mission 46 with an "A" rank or better.

Cooler (Final Form): Successfully complete Mission 47 with an "S" rank.

Dabura: Successfully complete Mission 32 with an "S" rank.

Dr. Gero: Successfully complete Mission 28 with an "S" rank.

Evil Buu: Successfully complete Mission 34 with an "S" rank.

Frieza 100% Power: Successfully complete Mission 20 with an "A" rank or better.

Frieza 2nd Form: Successfully complete Mission 18 with an "A" rank or better.

Frieza Final Form: Successfully complete Mission 17 with an "S" rank.

Frieza Soldier: Successfully complete Mission 11 with an "A" rank or better.

Ginyu: Successfully complete Mission 43 with an "S" rank.

God Of Destruction Beerus: Successfully complete Mission 59 with an "S" rank.

Goten: Successfully complete Mission 27 with an "A" rank or better.

Guldo: Successfully complete Mission 12 with an "A" rank or better.

Jeice: Successfully complete Mission 14 with an "A" rank or better.

Kid Buu: Successfully complete Mission 35 with an "S" rank.

Kid Trunks: Successfully complete Mission 27 with an "A" rank or better.

Legendary Super Saiyan Broly: Successfully complete Mission 49 with an "S" rank.

Majin Vegeta: Successfully complete Mission 33 with an "S" rank.

Meta-Cooler: Successfully complete Mission 48 with an "S" rank.

Nappa: Successfully complete Mission 4 with an "A" rank or better.

Raditz: Successfully complete Mission 2 with an "A" rank or better.

Recoome: Successfully complete Mission 12 with an "S" rank.

Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed): Successfully complete Mission 54 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan 2 Goku: Successfully complete Mission 36 with an "A" rank or better.

Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan: Successfully complete Mission 26 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta: Successfully complete Mission 39 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku: Successfully complete Mission 39 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks: Successfully complete Mission 37 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan Broly: Successfully complete Mission 49 with an "A" rank or better.

Super Saiyan Future Trunks: Successfully complete Mission 27 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan Future Trunks (Sword): Successfully complete Mission 21 with an "A" rank or better.

Super Saiyan God Goku: Successfully complete Mission 60 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan Gohan (Adolescent): Successfully complete Mission 32 with an "S" rank.

Super Saiyan Goten: Successfully complete Mission 57 with an "A" rank or better.

Super Saiyan Gotenks: Successfully complete Mission 37 with an "A" rank or better.

Super Saiyan Kid Trunks: Successfully complete Mission 56 with an "A" rank or better.

Super Saiyan Vegeta: Successfully complete Mission 21 with an "S" rank.

Super Trunks: Successfully complete Mission 30 with an "S" rank.

Teen Gohan: Successfully complete Mission 26 with an "A" rank or better.

Ultimate Gohan: Successfully complete Mission 38 with an "S" rank.

Ultimate Jewel: Successfully complete Mission 45 with an "S" rank.

Whis: Successfully complete Mission 59 with an "S" rank.

Easy PP

Play Mission 6: An Emperor Rises. Use LSSJ Broly, Gravity Training Level l3, and Porunga's Wish. Keep pressing LT + RT to easily win the battle. Use any CPU, and set it to attack during the Ape Vegeta fight (SSJG Goku is recommended). Repeat this process as many times as desired. You can earn 600,000 PP an hour using this method.

Special bonuses

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding number of bonus points:

Mission 1: Beginning Of Battle!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat all Saibamen (5,000 points).

Mission 2: A Mysterious Enemy

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Raditz with Goku (10,000 points).

Mission 3: Hellish Training

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Piccolo (10,000 points).

Mission 4: The Fearsome Saiyan!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Nappa last (50,000 points).

Mission 5: Nappa Cornered

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Vegeta (120,000 points).

Mission 6: An Emperor Rises

Special Bonus 1: Win without retrying (150,000 points).

Mission 7: A Powerful Enemy

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Goku with Raditz (100,000 points).

Mission 8: The Z Fighters

Special Bonus 1: Land one or more Max Chains (150,000 points).

Mission 9: Son Goku's Anger!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Goku with Vegeta (150,000 points).

Mission 10: A Beast's Roar

Special Bonus 1: Reduce two or more of Great Ape Gohan parts to HP 0 (200,000 points).

Mission 11: Dark Shrouds Namek

Special Bonus 1: Land two or more Max Chains (70,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win within 2 minutes and 30 seconds (60,000 points).

Mission 12: Telekinesis VS Combat

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 12 Frieza Soldiers (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Guldo within 1 minute (70,000 points).

Mission 13: Jeice And Burter

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Burter with Goku (60,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Burter, Jeice (60,000 points).

Mission 14: It's Captain Ginyu!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 6 Frieza Soldiers (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Ginyu last (60,000 points).

Mission 15: Frieza Transforms!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Frieza First Form with Vegeta (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win without retrying (100,000 points).

Mission 16: Hellish Fear Begins

Special Bonus 1: Reduce Frieza's HP below 50% (60,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Land a 25 Hit combo (100,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Frieza (200,000 points).

Mission 17: Hope Waning

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Frieza with Super Saiyan Goku (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win within 3 minutes (100,000 points).

Mission 18: Power From Revival

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Kid Gohan 4 times (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Vegeta 5 times (150,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Goku 6 times (300,000 points).

Mission 19:The Super Saiyan

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Super Saiyan Goku (180,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Krillin with Frieza Final Form (50,000 points).

Mission 20: The Furious Son Goku

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Goku with Full Power Frieza (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win with 3 minutes (180,000 points).

Mission 21: A Future Saiyan

Special Bonus 1: Land 2 or more Max Chains (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Trunks (Sword) within 1 minute (80,000 points).

Mission 22: The Red Ribbon Army!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Android #19 within 2 minutes (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Dr. Gero (30,000 points).

Mission 23: #17 And #18 Awaken

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Android #17 with 2 minutes (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Android #18 with Super Saiyan Vegeta (30,000 points).

Mission 24: The Creature Appears!

Special Bonus 1: Land 2 or more Max Chains (100,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Cell First Form (300,000 points).

Mission 25: Cell's Prelude

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Android #16 with Super Saiyan Goku (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Cell Second Form (150,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Cell Perfect Form within 2 minutes (60,000 points).

Mission 26: The Perfect Body

Special Bonus 1: Land a 30 Hit combo (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat 6 Cell Jrs within 1 minute (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Win without retrying (20,000 points).

Mission 27: Another Ending

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Android #17 with Trunks (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Android #18 with Trunks (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Cell with Trunks (70,000 points).

Mission 28: Z Fighters' Pursuit

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Piccolo first (100,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Yamcha as Dr. Gero (50,000 points).

Mission 29: A Calm And Pure Evil

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Super Saiyan Vegeta while Goku is around (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Piccolo and Gohan within 1 minute (120,000 points).

Mission 30: Parent-And-Son Fight

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Cell Second Form with Android #16 (20,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Vegeta (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Win without Trunks being defeated (70,000 points).

Mission 31: A Fighter Beyond Goku

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Android #16 with Cell Perfect Form (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Make Super Saiyan Goku surrender within 1 minute (120,000 points).

Mission 32: Dabura Appears!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Demon King Dabura within 2 minutes (120,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Land a 30 Hit combo (50,000 points).

Mission 33: Is This...Majin Buu?!

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Majin Vegeta (60,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Demon King Dabura (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Majin Vegeta and Demon King Dabura (50,000 points).

Mission 34: Buu Buu Majin Farm

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 8 Majin Buus within 3 minutes (70,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Evil Buu with Ultimate Gohan (30,000 points).

Mission 35: Invasion Of Majin Buu

Special Bonus 1: Land one or more Max Chains (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Kid Buu within 4 minutes (100,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win without retrying (50,000 points).

Mission 36: Super Saiyan 3

Special Bonus 1: Reduce Super Saiyan 3 Goku's HP below 30% (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Super Saiyan 3 Goku (200,000 points).

Mission 37: The Fusion Fighter!

Special Bonus 1: Land two or more Max Chains (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks within 1 minute (120,000 points).

Mission 38: Gohan's Retaliates!

Special Bonus 1: Win within 3 minutes (100,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Ultimate Gohan last (50,000 points).

Mission 39: The Universal Battle

Special Bonus 1: Perform a 30 Hit combo or better (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Super Saiyan 3 Goku within 2 minutes (80,000 points).

Mission 40: An Unfortunate Bounty

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Saibamen (Gold) (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Saibamen (Black) with Vegeta (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Saibamen (Black) with Yamcha (120,000 points).

Mission 41: Team Saiyan

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Vegeta last (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win within 5 minutes (40,000 points).

Mission 42: Revolting Soldiers

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 77 Frieza Soldiers (10,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win within 12 minutes (100,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Frieza Soldier (Black) with Frieza (40,000 points).

Mission 43: Ultimate Ginyu Force

Special Bonus 1: Land two or more Max Chains (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Ginyu last (60,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Win without retrying (20,000 points).

Mission 44: The Warrior, Bardock

Special Bonus 1: Defeat all Saibamen within 1 minute (70,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Bardock with Frieza First Form (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Reduce all of Great Ape Bardock Parts to HP 0 (80,000 points).

Mission 45: Spirit Bomb

Special Bonus 1: Win using an Ultimate Move (5,000 points).

Mission 46: The Revenge Of Cooler

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Cooler with Super Saiyan Goku (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Cooler without defeating a Frieza Soldier (100,000 points).

Mission 47: True Final Form

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 13 Frieza Soldiers (120,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Land two or more Max Chains (80,000 points).

Mission 48: The Big Gete Star

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 5 or more Meta-Coolers (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win within 4 minutes (120,000 points).

Mission 49: Super Saiyan Body

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 27 or more Saibamen (30,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Legendary Super Saiyan Broly in 3 minutes (60,000 points).

Mission 50: Hirudegarn Revives

Special Bonus 1: Reduce all of Hirudegarn parts to HP 0 at least once (120,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win without retrying (30,000 points).

Mission 51: Noble Saiyan Blood

Special Bonus 1: Land two or more Max Chains (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Win within 5 Minutes (50,000 points).

Mission 52: Greatest Family Ever

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Frieza Soldier within 30 seconds (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Cooler with Super Saiyan Goku (50,000 points).

Mission 53: Android Masterpieces

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Dr. Gero with Yamcha (60,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Perform a 25 Hit combo or better (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Android #16 within 2 minutes (100,000 points).

Mission 54: The Fearsome Majins

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Demon King Dabura within 1 minute (60,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Majin Vegeta with Super Saiyan Goku 2 (70,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Win within 7 Minutes (70,000 points).

Mission 55: Enemies Unite

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Vegeta with Goku (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Land three or more Max Chains (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Win without retrying (80,000 points).

Mission 56: Vegeta's Family

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Kid Trunks with Goten (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat all Vegetas within 4 minutes (200,000 points).

Mission 57: Goku's Family

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Raditz within 30 seconds (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat 10 enemies within 5 minutes (150,000 points).

Mission 58: New World Tournament

Special Bonus 1: Defeat 50 enemies (40,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat 100 enemies (50,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat 150 enemies (70,000 points).

Mission 59: God Of Destruction

Special Bonus 1: Defeat Hirudegarn within 3 minutes (200,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Defeat Beerus with Super Saiyan God Goku (100,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Win without retrying (100,000 points).

Mission 60: The Ultimate, Vegito

Special Bonus 1: Perform a 30 Hit combo or better (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 2: Land four or more Max Chains (80,000 points).

Special Bonus 3: Defeat Super Vegito (50,000 points).

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