Japanese model Yano Shiho, who stars in the popular KBS 2 TV entertainment program 'Superman Returns' with her husband and MMA fighter Choo Sung Hoon and their daughter Choo Sarang, recently shared a picture of her younger self. In her baby picture, she looked just like her daughter Choo Sarang, and aroused the attention of the fans. They looked as if they were the same person, and mesmerized the 'Superman Returns' fans. In related news, Yano Shiho was nominated for 2014 KBS Entertainment Award. Her daughter Choo Sarang was nominated for KBS Entertainment Award and got on stage with Choo Sung Hoon. The KBS 2 TV entertainment program 'Superman Returns' tells a story of celebrities and their children. In addition to actor Song Il Gook and his triplets Dae Han, Min Gook, and Man Sae, MMA Choo Sung Hoon and his daughter Choo Sa Rang, singer Tablo of Epik High and his daughter Haru, and comedian Lee Hwi Jae and his twin sons also star in the show. The KBS 2 TV entertainment program 'Superman Returns' airs every Sunday night.
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