"Attack on Titan," anime series, is rumored to showcase death of lead character, Levi Ackerman in the upcoming second season, according to Yibada.
The death of the main character had been penned down in the chapter 73 of the original manga books. Levi is rumored to die in a fight, where he tries to save other lead characters of the series. Ackerman will be shown rescuing Survey Corps team, Eren Jaeger, Armin Arlert and Mikasa Ackerman from his own uncle Kevin Ackerman, during his last phase in the series.
According to Realty Today, the new series will show an uprising against the Titans which will be leaded by captain, Erwin Smith. He will lose his arm in the battle against Titans, who have captured "Wall Rose". The series will feature Erwin's departure from the Survey Corps.
In the popular Japanese manga series, Eren has power of coordinate capability, with the help of which he is able to control the Titans. It is rumored that Kevin will try to kill Eren and at that point Levi's death will be shown, when he tries to rescue Eren from his uncle, reported Christian Today.
The upcoming series, rumored to be the last from the franchise, promises to be full of excitement and adventure. A new titan, who can talk and has excellent intellectual capabilities, is rumored to make an appearance in the anime.
According to Youth Health Magazine, the anime will also reveal that Rod Reiss is a true royal family member and his daughter, Lenz is the true heir to the "Coordinate power." The episodes are rumored to showcase the transformation of Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover into "Colossal Titan" and "Armored Titan" respectively.
The director of the adventure anime series, Tetsuro Araki, recently confirmed that season two of "Attack on Titan," is slated to release somewhere around mid-2016.