Lee Min Ho Talks About Love, Emotions And Happiness

Lee Min Ho
Park Shin Hye
The Heirs
Gangnam Blues

Lee Min Ho was interviewed for the March edition of China's Cosmopolitan and had a lot to say about his ideal woman, his even temperament and his definition of happiness.

Interviewers were surprised at how funny the actor was and impressed at how hard he has worked to learn Chinese.

When it came to describing his ideal woman, the type he mentioned was very similar to that of his "The Heirs" co-star Park Shin Hye, although the two insist they are not dating and have never dated.

He said that he wants a woman who is attractive in a cute way, but who also has an upbeat personality.

"I like an open and cheerful girl," he told Cosmopolitan. "If I'm tired and upset by work, she can make me happy just by being near me. I find this kind of girl to be very attractive."

But he also prizes self-confidence. A woman should recognize her own worth and treat herself well.

"A woman who is self-confident under any circumstances will be charming," he said.

And lastly she must have compassion. It's a quality he looks for in both men and women, although he thinks the best quality a man can have is to keep his promises and protect those around him.

As to love at first sight, it will take more than a glance. He first has to feel he is compatible with a woman before he can let himself fall in love.

He seems remarkably laid back for a star that has millions of loyal Minoz fans. In fact, Lee Min Ho says he is not prone to stress and can usually fall asleep easily whatever is going on in his life. He also said he is not very emotional. He does not experience things in an extreme way, whether he is happy or sad.

But he does feel a strong sense of duty to whatever work he engages in. He was also asked to define happiness and said that in his life it seemed to grow with time. The longer he lives, the more he can feel it. Work makes him happy and so does meeting and communicating with his fans.

The actor will soon begin filming "Gangnam Blues." The film is set in the 1970s when the now fashionable side of Seoul was being developed. He will play a gangster in a story about the dirty real estate dealings of the time.

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