We have got some issues running over here, Don't we?
Information have started leaking out of the game and its whole system that is reported to have breaking error codes for Super Smash Bros for Wii U, It is significant to know that these dissimilar error codes have started appearing before the newest release of the Smash entry for Wii U and are not fresh, widespread and quite misleading problem.
The error code that keeps on showing up at random times is Error code 160-0103, Some users have reported that this error appears after playing the Glory mode and starting their whole system up again for a reboot.
Based on Smash players who have encountered the issue, It is reported that because of a problem of the memory of the significant system, One theory proposes that the error code is mainly because of the Super Smash Bros. sudden data update, not the game console itself, Wii U. never go dysfunctional and haywire until the Smash or its Data Management will be found by the user.
Accessing the Data Management will result in another error code 160-1710 and then series of events will later be unveiled, Some reports that were made includes complete Wii U wipes of memory and even broken system hardware.
Its users who have come to encounter the original error were advised to format their whole systems which had made them do so, having their hopes up, They did the reboot which had unexpectedly resulted on the second error code, Far more worse, Their need for the game console WII U has come unwillingly for its repair.
You might wanna look at error code 160-0103 appearing on the screen (below), Can you tell us if you are the unfortunate one to have this error code experienced? Let's get things sorted out, loud and clear.