"Outcast 1.1" has been updated to 1.1.5 and the devs revealed the full patch changelog on the official Steam page of the game.
Graphics Enhancements:
- new: unlock camera constraint in 1st person and 3rd person
- new: unlock resolution limitations
- new: support 21:9 resolution
- new: extend the visibility range, reduce distant view poping artefacts
- new: properly tweak the fog to comply with the mood of the original game
- new: extend the skyes according the new camera range
- new: extend the NPC visibility and activity range (together with the new camera settings and the extended view, this should let you discover some unseen aspect of the AI)
- new: tweak the 3rd person camera settings to provide a new strategic view point
- new: add the ability to pause the dialog to read the subtitle (by keeping pressed the main button)
Performance boost:
To compensate the unlocking of the resolution, the camera freedom and the extended visibility range, we had to focus on various optimisations which results in a noticeable performance boost specially on multithreaded machine.
- new: multithreaded fog and water post-process
- new: multithreaded polygon rendering
- new: rewritting rasterizer to take advantage of SSE technology instead of MMX and making it thread independent
- new: improved thread affinity and dispatch
Gameplay fixes
- fixed: potential stuck in dialog (ie with zeo or zagrad)
- fixed: transmission of the 4th mon could fail
- fixed: minimap scaling was not resolution independent
- fixed: can't use E character in savegame name
Graphics fixes:
- fixed: sometimes background disappeared on specific camera angles (mainly in 1920x1080)
- fixed: highly reduce visibility popping
- fixed: remove artifacts related to zbuffer precision (ie visible on Cutter helmet in 1920x1080)
Crash fixes:
- fixed: potential crash while changing world
- fixed: potential crash while rendering shadows in 1920x1080
- fixed: potential crash when leaving the Okaar map
- fixed: steamCloud issue: the name of the savegame was discard by SteamServer since the file was empty