New Album 2015: Kanye West Kendrick Lamar Radiohead, Frank Ocean, Rihanna,

Frank Ocean

Music fans are anticipating a new release from a major artist before the end of the year. It could be Kanye West Kendrick Lamar Radiohead, Frank Ocean, or Rihanna. With the release of Adele's phenomenal hit "25," the new release that follows could just be plain mediocre to fans "wowed" by the British singer.

A report by BBC said, a "sneak attack" by a major artist is on the way. A number of artists have been rumored to release an album by the end of the year. The list includes Rihana, Frank Ocean, Kendirck Lamar, and Drake. It could be any one of these.

Rihanna is slated to release her next album, "Anti." However, there are rumors that she is still working on her album. With a tour scheduled for February, Rihanna will have to get her act together soon.

Drake's new album was scheduled for next year, but he dropped two albums this year already. There is nothing stopping him from a surprise in 2015 with a third new release.

Frank Ocean fans are disappointed that the star has not released an album since 2011's "Channel Orange." Ocean had implied he would have a new release by July, but none has been forthcoming. "We feel it's time for him to be frank," BBC reported.

Ocean skipped Coachella 2014 presumably to finish the album, "Boys Don't Cry." He also cancelled FYF Fest and the album is till not complete. While the album is expected to unveil when the writing is finished, some Frank Ocean fans say that it might take as long as Christmas 2018 to launch "Boys Don't Cry," reported Stereo Gum.

"Pulling a Beyonce" became a catch phrase after the pop queen dropped a self-titled album on Dec. 13, 2013. So, big-name artists are capable of pulling off a "sneak attack." Adele's pre-season release revealed her brilliant timing when the market shows little demand for new music.

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