Shin Min Ah Generously Helps Children, The Elderly And Refugees

Shin Min Ah
Oh My Venus

Actress Shin Min Ah is not only talented and beautiful. She's generous with the money she has earned modeling and acting in films and dramas. According to the Korean media outlet Kukmin Ilbo, over the past seven years the actress has donated $1 million to organizations that help children, the needy elderly and North Korean refugees

Since 2009 she has reportedly donated $200,000 every month to an organization called The Fruit Of Love through the Community Chest of Korea. Her donations to that organization are used to help children with burn injuries, to provide gas for the elderly, and to help educate the children of North Korean refugees.

She also donates to the Good Friends organization and has done so since 2010. The organization promotes peace between North and South Korea and hopes to one day realize unity between the two nations. The $290,000 that Shin has given them is used to help North Korean refugees. Her donation provides milk for refugee children, medical aid for mothers and supports educational facilities.

In May the actress also donated $100,000 to the non-governmental relief organization Join Together Society (JTS) to help earthquake victims in Nepal. The donation was made without much fanfare but the news eventually got out.

"Shin Min Ah has always done things in a low-profile manner, and has participated in charity-related events for a long time," said a JTS representative. "She has donated often to help children in poverty within and outside of Korea."

She recently also donated $50,000 to help sick children at Seoul National University Children's Hospital, delivering the check in person.

Shin Min Ah is best known for her roles in dramas such as "A Love To Kill" and "My Girlfriend Is A Nine-Tailed Fox." She recently appeared in the film "My Love My Bride" with co-sar Jo Jung Suk. Her next drama will be a romantic comedy titled "Oh My Venus" with co-star So Ji Sub. In that drama she will play a woman who needs to get into shape and turn her life around.

Shin, who began her career as a model, is currently one of the highest paid product endorsers in Korea. She has modeled for Giordano, Calvin Klein, LG, SK Telecom and VDL Cosmetics.

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