2014 Sudden Hacks Favorite Attacks Fappening, Sony Email: Will There Be More In 2015?, Sony Hack Reportedly Inside Job, Not Kim Jong Retaliating For 'The Interview'?

The Interview
The fappening

2014 Sudden Hacks Favorite Attacks Fappening, Sony Email. In more ways than one, 2014 was a year of security breaches and hackers. Reports of the 'Great Celebrity photo Leak of 2014' stunned Hollywood A-list ers as nude photos of celebs flooded the Internet, source from a 4chan imaging site, with links shared to Reddit. And the second big hack of 2014 was Sony's email hack and ensuing PSN video console hack disrupting Christmas gaming for kids of all ages.

In September, the first celeb private photo leak targeted Jennifer Lawrence, thefirst Happening Victim. Kate Upon, who later won the coveted People Magazine's Sexist Woman Alive. The nude photo selfies continued almost a month with new leaks surfacing every week. This was the biggest such leak of Hollywood stars in a long time.

Later, the private photo hacks gradually tapered off after photo leaks of men and the first man to be targeted by the Celeb photo leak was Nick Logan, son of wrestle mania star Hulk Hogan. Kate Upton's boyfriend had been on one of the leaked images before, but that was targeting Kate and not her boyfriend.

The last week of Fappeninng included nude photos of cheerleaders and not so famous stars or B-listers, before models began listing themselves to get free promotion on the Internet. Actress Gabriel Union was one of those whose private photos were leaked towards the latter half of the happening and she addressed the 4Chan hackers in a press conference, calling the act deceitful and a crime against women.

Consequent to the Fappening, Jennifer Lawrence was one of the most highly searched celeb in 2014, next to Robin Williams' depression suicide, and the death of Joan Collins, revered actor and comedienne in their own right.

The Sony email hack came later in November and put actors, executives and others in bad light. Who knew there was so much gossip going on at Sony Entertainment Pictures and in emails sent to Sony execs and peers? Were they discussing the value of actors like 'Denzel Washington' or 'George Clooney'?

Reports claimed that the Sony email hackers were working for N. Korea, in protest of the release of the movie 'The Interview', depicting a fake assassination of the North Korean leader, Kim Long Un by the FBI.

Although Sony Entertainment Pictures 'caved in' according to actor George Clooney, taking 'the Interview' off theater listings, Sony was back info the game after releasing the movie in select theaters. The movie reeled in another $15 in online sales in addition to the box office tickets. Supposedly President Barracks Obama ' criticism of Sony in backing off to North Korea' s threats was seen as a catalyst in the the small scale release of the movie.

And North Korean leader Kim Jong said President Obama acts like a 'monkey' with reference to his involvement in the Sony hack scandal, holding him responsible for the releaseof The Interview.'

The latest reports say that it was discontented insiders that were behind the Sony hacks and not the N. Koreans. However, the New York Times reported that the U.S. felt Kim and North Korea were the masterminds behind the last hack in 2014.

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